
Monday, February 28, 2011

Eiffel Tower

We've had a wonderful time in Paris so far! I can't believe we've already been here for 1 month. The children aren't in public school yet, as the schools were closed for 2 weeks due to a winter holiday. We've filled out all of the paper work and hopefully this week, we'll hear when and where they can start school. Here are some pictures from our trip to the Eiffel Tower that we took a few weeks ago. More pictures to follow!

Friday, February 4, 2011

We moved to France!

Hi everyone. Sorry for the long hiatus from blogging. We just moved to France. We are currently living in a suburb of Paris. It's all so very exciting. We had so much to do in the USA before moving, like selling everything we owned including our cars and furniture. Now, on this side, we are doing things like opening a French bank account and buying new furniture. Things which are quick in the USA take much longer here and vice versa as well. As soon as we move into our permanent housing all 3 of our kids will start school here. Hopefully getting them into school won't be too difficult.

I'll try to post some activities we've been doing in order to get them up to speed in their French so they don't feel too overwhelmed when they start school.