
About My Workbooks

French and Spanish for Little Boys and Girls:  
These language workbooks are designed to target the obsessions of little boys: cars, trains, bugs, and more and little girls: horses, princesses, dolls. You and your child will open the door to either the French or Spanish language while engaging in activities that they will love! These workbooks are created especially for parents who do not have any prior knowledge of French or Spanish. You and your children can embark on a journey of learning a foreign language together. Everything you need is inside this workbook, including a pronunciation guide, dictionary and teaching hints.

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or go to my store page and buy them as ebooks:

French for Kids Series:
These booklets are short booklets that target a specific topic.  There are currently 14 booklets:  Numbers, Colors, Polite Phases, Fruits, Veggies, Farm Animals, Pets, Months, Body Parts, Camping, Sweets, More Numbers, Halloween and Clothes in French.  They are broken into small chucks so that it is easy for a child to really immerse themselves in the language without becoming overwhelmed. It's also very inexpensive for parents to experiment with helping their children learn a foreign language.  These booklets have between 10-13 phrases or words that are taught followed by games and worksheets to help reinforce the vocabulary.  

To purchase these ebooks visit my store page.