
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer break from French - Yes or No???

Personally, I won't be having a break longer than 1 or 2 weeks max. from teaching my kids French. If you give your children a whole summer off from studying French, then they will likely have to relearn what they learned the previous school year. If you really feel your kids need a break from schooling, you could try to do 15-30 mins. a day and review/reinforce what they've already learned by doing some fun activities.

If mama needs a break, like I've said in the past, just pop in a disney movie and change it to French for the audio. If they complain, just say, "in French or nothing." I'm pretty sure they will choose to watch the movie in French.

Learning a language is not like riding a bike. Once you learn to ride a bike you never forget; however, with a language if you do not practice you can forget a lot of what you already learned.

Have a great summer!!! I will be posting some of our summer activities on this blog so be on the look-out!

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