
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

And then there are other things...

This is a continuation of the post from yesterday...
Then there are other things that interest my son. Currently it is plants (before it was trains and cars). He likes to plant seeds, watch them grow and harvest them. I think he could hang out at his little garden for most of the day, which is too long for me. However, if I add a little French to the gardening, then it makes everyone happy.

With plants, you can learn basic planting vocabulary, colors, planting verbs, numbers to count your flowers, fruits and vegtables. Really the ideas are limitless.

Here are some vocabulary words:

The hoe - la binette
The rake - le râteau
The shovel - le pelle
The spade - la bêche
The trowel - le transplantoir
The fork - la fourche
The pruning shears - les cisailles
The hedge shears - le sécateur
The hedgecutter - la tailleuse de haie
The grass shears - les tondeurs
The axe - la hache
The mower - la tondeuse
The wheelbarrow - la brouette

To dig - foncer
To hoe - biner
To plant - planter
To water the plants - arroser les plantes
To cultivate - cultiver
To prune - élaguer
To weed - désherber
To mow - tondre

These great lists were found on this website:

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