
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pep Talk

I think we all need to hear from time to time that we are doing a good job as being a parent/teacher/role-model for our children. So, I'm here to let you know that you are doing a good job. I know that teaching a foreign language to your children is difficult because you, like me, have a ton of things you have to do around the house like landry and making dinner.

Just try to do the best you can and run with it. Be proud of the results you see. If your child says 'Merci' after you give them their dinner, know that you made that happen!

Look at your French wall or your child's French journal and know that you are expanding their knowledge in a foreign language, YOU! So, now pat yourself on the back and keep on teaching.

And remember my secret for days when you are sick and you can't teach any French. Throw in a DVD with a French track and let them watch that while you rest. You have to take care of yourself!

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