
Friday, February 5, 2010

Shapes and Colors in French for Kids

Here's an activity you can do with your children to teach them shapes and colors. You can introduce the French shape words and then they can go on a scavenger hunt around your house to find things that are 'cercle' shaped or 'ovale' shaped. When they bring you back and item you can ask them to say the shape in French.

As a review the French shape words the next day or to reinforce the above activity at any time, you can use the worksheet on the side of this page. This worksheet can be used with all ages of kids. If you use it with your preschoolers, you'll have to help them read the French words.

Here are some French shape vocabulary words to get you started:
le carré - the square
le cercle - the circle
le cœur - the heart
le rectangle - the rectangle
le losange - the diamond
l’ovale - the oval

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