
Friday, April 16, 2010

Barnyard Animals in French!

Here's a fun way to play with your kids while reviewing animal names in French. Grab some of your children's picture books and sit down with your kids. Say a name of an animal in French and then have your children flip through their books until they find a picture of that animal.

Also, you can make a bingo card with the names of the animals on it. Then they can mark them as they find them in the books. There are a lot of variations to you can do with this activity.

Here are the French names for some animals:

Chicken - le poulet
Cow - la vache
Donkey - l'âne
Duck - le canard
Goat - la chèvre
Horse - le cheval
Mouse - la souris
Mule - la mule
Pig - le cochon
Sheep - le mouton

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