
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Using water play to learn French

It may not be warm enough where you live to do this activity, but you can keep it in your back pocket to use in the summer.

Put all of your kids in their swimsuits and go in your background. Turn on your hose and using your thumb to make a stream of water. Then, you can give them French commands that the have to do in/on/under the water.

Here are some words you can use:

jump - saute
run - cours
go - va
under - sous
crawl - rampe
kick - donne un coup-de-pied


  1. I love this idea! It would be a fun way to teach prepositions, too.

  2. Thanks so much Sarah! A great idea for everyone!

  3. That's a wonderful idea to learn French. :)

    French Course Angel
