
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fun New Books!

I have been working many long hours to finish my latest 2 books. The first book is called "This Kid's Life - France."

This Kid's Life is a booklet that focuses on how a child lives daily life in a different country, compared to how people live in North America. This particular book tracks the life of a boy named Louis who lives in the country of France.

1. A pre-test to see what your students know about France
2. A letter from Louis that describes his life in France
3. Facts about France and discussion questions
4. Word Search Puzzle
5. Secret Code Puzzle
6. Poisson d'Avril (Fish of April) Lesson and Activity
7. Make Your Own Paper Beret
8. Design Your Own Pastry
9. Postcard Writing Activity
10. If I had Wednesdays off from school...Writing Activity
11. Basic French Phrases
12. Crossword Puzzle for Basic French Phrases

You can order this ebook from here.

Also, I have a great new math book that your kids will surely enjoy. It's called Math Puzzles - Volume 1.

Are your students bored of doing the same old math problems? Try this book, filled with 6 different types of math puzzles.

Math Stories - Math Stories combine reading and mathematics in a fun and silly way! Until you solve the math problems, you'll never know how the story goes. (division and multiplication)

Draw the Fraction - Use your imagination and draw a picture representation of the fractions you encounter at home, at school or outside.

Picture Math - Draw a picture using equal parts of your imagination and math. (division)

Math Grid Puzzles - Draw different items onto a grid depending on the answers to the math problems. (division and multiplication)

Math Number Search - Solve some addition and subtraction problems, then search for them in a grid full of numbers.

All graphics are originals and designed by myself.

You can buy this book here.

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