
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Canada Day Word Search

As many of you know, my husband is Canadian and we try to celebrate Canada Day no matter where we live. It's a fun little family tradition we have and it helps our children to learn about their heritage. Click on the picture below to be taken to my other website (Mixminder) where you can download this Free Canada Day word search. Also, make sure you check out my TPT store for more great French, Spanish, Math and Writing lessons!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Free French Color by Number Worksheet

Ahhhh, finally the birds are singing here in the Normandy region of France. I had no idea how cold and rainy this area would be when we first moved here. It's amazing that we've been in France for 1 year and 5 months. Time flies when you are busy eating pastries! We've been in Normandy for about 9 months now. Only 2.5 more weeks of school and then we get 2 months vacation. I'm going to try to find my children some good activities to do in the summer so that they don't lose their French. They've come so far and their French is so great that I don't want them to have to play catch up in September. That has to be stressful for them. Luckily they will be running to the same small school that they are attending now.
I created a fun French color by Number Freebie and put it up at my other website. Just click the picture below to be taken to that site to download the freebie! Enjoy!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Are you looking for ways to grow your blog?

Have you thought about starting a teaching blog or a homeschool blog? Or do you already have one but you feel like no one is reading what you are spending a lot of time on? Check out a post that my husband wrote at our other website.
This article will give you five tips to gain a nice following to your blog. I know a lot of people are caught up with how many people follow their blog and how many people 'like' their FB page, but I think if you focus on content, and put out great content, eventually you'll be found!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mini-Reader Freebie from Teach 123

I found another great freebie from a friend of mine at Teach 123. It's a really cute activity that my daughter loved doing! It's a cute little booklet that you can download by going to Teach123. My daughter got to practice some English grammar (which I'm always interested in doing with her since she doesn't learn it in school here France). And the best part for my daughter was the fact that she got to make her own illustrations for her book. Another idea you can do with this booklet is to have your children read the booklet outloud to you while you videotape them. My daughter really loves it if I videotape her. She wants to watch herself over and over again. And since we're in France, I plan on videotaping her and putting it on YouTube so we can stay better connected with our relatives in the United States. She likes being on YouTube! And if you are worried about YouTube, there are settings where you can set it to private. I hope you enjoy the freebie! Also check out Teach123's website for more freebies and great teaching posts!
Teach 123
P.S. I would've shown you pictures of my daughter doing the activity, but she wasn't ready for her work to be captured on film today. She wanted her drawings to be just right! The joy of a 6 year old, sometimes she wants her picture taken and other times she refuses! Now I'm off to find more great freebies!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Free Graphic Organizer Packet - Focus on Writing

As many of you know, I used to homeschool my children until we moved to France. However, since the French school system has soooooo many days off and I don't want my children to lose their English skills, I still homeschool them on Wednesdays of every week when we don't have school and during their many 2 week holidays throughout the school year. I'm constantly trying to find great freebies that I can use with them to help them learn skills that they don't learn in school here, but things that I know they will need to know when we move back to the USA. I found this great freebie by Best Practices 4 Teaching. You can download the freebie at TeachersPayTeachers by clicking here. Since writing style is so different in France (in fact so many things besides writing are so different), this packet really helped my son gather his thoughts together when he was ready to write. Be sure to check out Best Practices 4 Teaching for more great freebies and blog posts!
Best Practices 4 Teaching

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

HoJo's Magic Squares

The other evening, my daughter was bored to tears and I was running out of ideas of games for her to play. There were about 45 minutes until bedtime and I needed to fill them with something so that I could finish up my work. I stumbled upon this great game - Math Magic Square Freebie - adding with 0 to 12. I printed it out hoping that it would be fun for my daughter and it far exceeded my expectations. My daughter absolutely loved playing this game. Then, my son came over and he wanted to join in the fun, so I found some that were more advanced for him. My children love puzzles and they love games, so this really combines the two nicely while reviewing math skills with some sets and language arts skills with other sets. As you can see by the pictures below, my kids were really into it! You can check Hojo's blog by going here to see other great ideas she has for kids:
HoJo's Teaching Adventures

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer in French

Hi everyone! I just released Summer in French onto TPT and on TN. Summer in French is a booklet that focuses on the names of different summer items in French like swimsuit, sun, swimming pool, etc. Included: 12 full color pages of summer vocabulary with a pronunciation guide for your students 3 worksheets to reinforce the names of spring items 6 copywork pages (manuscript and cursive) 1 bingo game with 33 unique cards 1 matching game 1 completion certificate All artwork is original and created by myself. I also created this booklet for Spanish too! So make sure to check that one out here. I hope everyone has a great summer!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Storefront

I've been meaning to set up a new storefront for many months and now I finally have 1/2 of it up and ready to use.  Click on the tabs to view my various products.  The cool thing about buying my products from my own website as opposed to TPT or Teachers Notebook, is that you will receive a 5% discount on everything! So, try it out and let me know what you think. I have over 160 products, so I'll continue to add them over the next few days, so make sure to come back and see what else I add.

Also, if you are into freebies, head on over to my other site for tons and tons of freebies!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Easter in French and Spanish

I created 4 new Easter products for French and Easter.  Click on the links below to purchase them at TPT.  Alternatively, you can buy them at Teachers Notebook. 

Easter in French - $3.00

Easter Writing Workshop in French - $2.50

Easter in Spanish - $3.00

Easter Writing Workshop in Spanish - $2.50

 Thanks so much for stopping at my blog,

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Visit Mixminder!

Visit my new blog for some great new French Freebies!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring is in the Air!

I have lots and lots of fun and exciting new products out for Spring.  If you want to see them all on TN, click here.  Scroll down to see a few of my children's favorite ones.

Spring Math Goofy Glyph (kindergarten and 1st grade)

Click here for Spring Math Goofy Glyph (2nd and 3rd grade)

Click here for Spring Math Goofy Glyph (4th and 5th grade)

Here is Spring in Spanish:

Spring in French:

Check out my shops on Teacherspayteachers or on Teachers Notebook!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Fun Books!

I have many fun St. Patrick's Day Books for sell at Teachers Notebook and TPT.

The first book is a SUPER silly book. It's called Leprechaun Math Goofy Glyph. If your students solve the problem wront, then they might end up with an alien leprechaun instead of a boy or girl leprechaun. This book is for 2nd and 3rd grades. It has some stencils in the back that you can print out for your students to use to make the glyph or they can draw their own.

The next book is St. Patrick's Day in French.
10 full color St. Patrick's Day vocabulary word pages
5 worksheets
4 copywork pages
1 matching game
1 completion certificate

I also created St. Patrick's Day in Spanish.
10 full color St. Patrick's Day vocabulary word pages
5 worksheets
4 copywork pages
1 matching game
1 completion certificate

St. Patrick's Day Writing Workshop is a fun way to introduce St. Patrick's Day vocabulary to your students while helping them increase their language skills. This booklet can be used at writing centers or workstations in a classroom. You can laminate the cards, then place them at different stations to help your students remember the words. Each writing center might feature one of the four different writing activities.

Another option is to hang the cards on your word wall or bulletin board and use the writing activities as daily activities that students can complete during the class period.

16 St. Patrick's Day word cards
4 different writing activities:

Describing St. Patrick's Day
Writing a Limerick
St. Patrick's Day Wish Book
Persuading a Leprechaun

I also created three different Mathbooking St. Patrick's Day Journal Prompt booklets.  Each contain 10 prompts and are appropriate for different grade levels.

Mathbooking St. Patrick's Day Journal Prompts (3rd and 4th grades)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and please let me know if you have any questions, comments or requests!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fun New Books!

I have been working many long hours to finish my latest 2 books. The first book is called "This Kid's Life - France."

This Kid's Life is a booklet that focuses on how a child lives daily life in a different country, compared to how people live in North America. This particular book tracks the life of a boy named Louis who lives in the country of France.

1. A pre-test to see what your students know about France
2. A letter from Louis that describes his life in France
3. Facts about France and discussion questions
4. Word Search Puzzle
5. Secret Code Puzzle
6. Poisson d'Avril (Fish of April) Lesson and Activity
7. Make Your Own Paper Beret
8. Design Your Own Pastry
9. Postcard Writing Activity
10. If I had Wednesdays off from school...Writing Activity
11. Basic French Phrases
12. Crossword Puzzle for Basic French Phrases

You can order this ebook from here.

Also, I have a great new math book that your kids will surely enjoy. It's called Math Puzzles - Volume 1.

Are your students bored of doing the same old math problems? Try this book, filled with 6 different types of math puzzles.

Math Stories - Math Stories combine reading and mathematics in a fun and silly way! Until you solve the math problems, you'll never know how the story goes. (division and multiplication)

Draw the Fraction - Use your imagination and draw a picture representation of the fractions you encounter at home, at school or outside.

Picture Math - Draw a picture using equal parts of your imagination and math. (division)

Math Grid Puzzles - Draw different items onto a grid depending on the answers to the math problems. (division and multiplication)

Math Number Search - Solve some addition and subtraction problems, then search for them in a grid full of numbers.

All graphics are originals and designed by myself.

You can buy this book here.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Shop on Teachers Notebook

Now that I have almost 100 products for sale, I find it more and more difficult to list them all on this website.  I decided to put them on Teachers Notebook as well as here.  If you want an easier way to look at all of my products, take a look at my new store. I have Spanish, French, Math, Social Studies and Writing books for all seasons, holidays and other themes. 

Check it out here:

Also, don't forget to join my facebook page at:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

It's Almost Valentine's Day!

created several Valentine's Day lessons that you can check out at my store on Teachers Pay Teachers. One that I am especially proud of is Valentine's Day Around the World:

There are 28 pages filled with activities for your students. My children enjoyed learning about how other countries in the world celebrated Valentine's Day. They really loved the page on Korea since Korea has a 'love-type' day on the 14th of every month. They thought that was really neat.

With this booklet your class will visit six countries: Japan, China, Germany, Italy, Denmark and, as I stated before, my children's favorite: Korea. Your students can keep track of their travels with their own passports, with flags that they can paste inside for each country that they "visit". After each country has been studied, students can complete an activity sheet for that country. The unit concludes with a Valentine's Day card glyph and a bar graph to chart the class's results.

You can even do what we did for our Valentine's Day card glyphs. Instead of them giving them to a parent or loved one, we sent them to a Ronald McDonald's House with the hope that the families there will get a little smile from receiving the cards. If you don't have a Ronald McDonald's House near you, you can send your cards to a children's hospital or you can leave me a comment and I can give you the address of a Ronald McDonald's House that is accepting Valentine's Day Cards in North Carolina, where we are sending our cards.

If you'd like to purchase this product you can do so at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Discounts on French and Spanish Bundles

Are you interested in buying more than just a few sets of my French (or Spanish) ebooks?  Email me which ones you want and I can quote you a discounted price.

Email me at:  yvonne @ (take spaces out)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Winter in French

Winter in French is a booklet that focuses on the names of different winter items in French like coat, it's cold, etc.
12 full color pages of winter vocabulary with a pronunciation guide for your students

3 worksheets to reinforce the names of winter vocabulary

6 copywork pages (manuscript and cursive)

1 bingo game with 33 unique cards

1 matching game

1 completion certificate

All artwork is original and created by myself.
To purchase click the add to cart button below. It will be emailed to you shortly:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Valentine's Day in French

Valentine's Day in French is a booklet that focuses on the names of different Valentine's Day items in French.


10 full color pages of Valentine's Day vocabulary with a pronunciation guide for your students
3 worksheets to reinforce the vocabulary
4 copywork pages (manuscript and cursive)
1 bingo game with 33 unique bingo cards
1 matching game
1 completion certificate

All artwork is original and created by myself.

Click Below to purchase - $2.50 - It will be emailed to you as soon as possible.

Also, check out Valentine's Day in Spanish

To order Valentine's Day in Spanish for $2.50 click below:

Friday, January 13, 2012

Teachers Pay Teachers

Hi Everyone! I've recently joined a website called Teachers Pay Teachers. This way, you can either by my ebooks here on my own site or through Teachers Pay Teachers. I haven't had a chance to put EVERYTHING up on my store, but I will be doing so today and the during the weekend.

My store link is:

There is a free Valentine's Day Math Journal in my store, so be sure to grab it!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mathbooking - Space Journal

This is a 32 page ebook with 30 math journal prompts with a space theme. These are perfect for students in the first or second grade.

There are two versions and you can select this when you check out. For Teachers: All you need to do is cut out the prompts and your students can paste them into their math journal. The prompt is printed multiple times on one sheet for ease of printing and organizing your class. Just print out as many as you need. For Homeschoolers or Parents: There is one prompt on each page and you can use the ebook as your child's own math journal.

The different skills covered in the ebook are:
number writing
higher level thinking
spatial concepts

Click below to purchase Mathbooking - Space Journal Prompts for only $3.00.


Mathbooking - Winter Journal

This is a 32 page ebook with 30 math journal prompts with a winter theme. These are perfect for students in the first or second grade.

There are two versions and you can select this when you check out. For Teachers: All you need to do is cut out the prompts and your students can paste them into their math journal. The prompt is printed multiple times on one sheet for ease of printing and organizing your class. Just print out as many as you need. For Homeschoolers or Parents: There is one prompt on each page and you can use the ebook as your child's own math journal.

The different skills covered in the ebook are:
number writing
higher level thinking
spatial concepts

Click below to purchase Mathbooking - Winter Journal Prompts for only $3.00.


Monday, January 9, 2012

New Homeschool/Teach Resources Website

Hi Everyone! I just wanted you all to know that I've created a new website. It's I'm creating tons of FREE resources for both homeschoolers and teachers. So far, I have lots of alphabet pages for pre-k and kindergarten. I will be adding some math journal prompts later today for 1st and 2nd grades. Every day I will be posting new resources for everyone to use and enjoy!!! Don't worry though, I will still be using this website as well and will be adding more French and Spanish resources!