Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year! Starting out the New Year Learning French!

Happy New Year! Now is the time to set some teaching goals for your child and you for learning French. Do you want to spend 15 mins a day teaching your son or daughter? 1 hour? Whatever you decide, try it out and see if it works out, then you can adjust it if you want more time or less. For me, the best thing is to set a goal and work towards it!

Attached to this blogpost is a calendar for January. Print it out and use it to track your child's progress. You can have your child put a sticker for each day of the week that they study French. While they are doing this, they can also learn the days of the week in French. Notice that you don't capitalize the days of the weeks or months in French. In order to print it out, double click it and it will open into a new window, then you can print it out!
Have a great French-learning New Year!

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