Saturday, February 27, 2010

TGV Trains!

My son loves trains, as I'm sure your son does. If he does, I'm sure you'll love this web site I'm posting a link to below!! It's really neat. They have paper models that you can make of the TGV trains. You can print out the parts of the train and then you put together. They are small, so you'll probably have to do the majority of the work, but I'm sure you'll son (or daughter) would love to play with the trains afterwards.

You can take this opportunity to teach them about the TGV trains in France. It's always good to teach a little cutlure during your language classes. TGV stands for: Train à Grande Vitesse. It means high speed train.
Here's a link to a wiki about TGVs:

Here's the link to the site where you can make your own TGV trains:

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