Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fun at the beach!

I always look for an opportunity to teach my kids new words in French in a natural environment. They learn so much better if they see and touch the things I am teaching them. Today we went to the beach, and I had the opportunity to introduce a few new words while we built some sand castles. It was amusing to me because I don't think the kids ever realized they were learning any French, they were so involved with building sand castle.

So next time you take a little day trip, log onto the computer before, go to a French dictionary website, or break open your French dictionary and look up a few words that you could teach your kids during your trip. It will only take a few seconds for you to do and it will really help them develop their French vocabulary.

Here are a few of the words I taught them today:

la plage - the beach

l'océan - the ocean

l'eau - the water

le sable - the sand

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